Gourasana Meditation Practice
Incarnations of God always bring a meditation practice designed for the specific period in time that they come, to help the people of the world face the challenges of the time and find their way back into connection with God. Gourasana, too, brought a meditation practice for the people of the world during this modern time.

The Gourasana Meditation Practice (GMP) is a meditation that assists with spiritual movement and offers an opportunity for healing in all areas of life. It is an active meditation, during which a wide variety of music is played, that encourages movement of the body and release of emotions with the intention of creating an opening in the heart and emotional body.
Once we are open and our emotions are released, there is an inner depth and calm that naturally happens in meditation and we are able to think clearly and prayerfully about how to move forward in the different areas of our life – work, relationships, health, spiritual transformation.
A special spiritual energy, which Gourasana called the “Transformational Energy” …
…comes with this meditation that makes this meditation particularly powerful. The transformational energy assists us in opening up deeply, to be filled with higher love, truth, and awareness. And for those who desire it, it assists in connecting intimately and personally to God.
As with all meditations, the more the GMP is practiced, the more depth and breadth of benefit can be found. Weekly meditations are held at the Center and no meditation experience at all is needed to participate. You will be guided and gently supported in learning the meditation.

The real purpose of prayer and meditation is to travel deeply enough within yourself to begin to attract to you God’s presence and guidance.
There is no right or wrong way to do this practice, and every time you do it, it is a different experience because you are at a different place inside of yourself every time.