Our new Meditation and Expanding Awareness pages make it simple and easy to get started!
We responded to your feedback and created an easier way for newcomers to our website to find and register for events. Now on the top Navigation Bar there is a new section called: “Get Started” where you will find information about Wednesday Evenings of Meditation and the monthly Expanding Awareness discussion evenings.
Sharing the link to these new “Get Started” pages is a great way to invite your friends to the Center’s introductory events. These pages provide an overview of what to expect at each offering and a simple registration form right on the same page. Check out the new pages by clicking on the links below.
Visit Welcome to Meditation
Our new website navigation is intuitive and simplified!
For returning visitors, you will also see another new section on the top Navigation Bar called “Go Deeper. ” Here you will find the events you previously found under the Participation section – events that are designed to take you further into the meditation practice and other transformational offerings of the Center.
We are eager to hear from you about the website changes!
Check out the new “Get Started” pages, and email us your feedback!