Kalindi made a talk called, “Love Your Master” in 2007 to explain what takes place when a disciple expresses love and devotion toward a Master and the spiritual significance of this exchange. This teaching is highlighted in this excerpt, and the full talk is offered below as a download gift to you for The Lady’s Birthday Celebration.

Love Your Master Excerpt


The love that they’re feeling for the Master is the love of God that they’re feeling from the Master, that is coming to them directly from the Lord.

And they need to let that love start to explode!


Now there can’t be any more fear about the magic of a Master and a disciple. And the disciples can’t hold their love back anymore in fear that they may be worshiping something. It is just love.

And the Master is wanting to exchange the love, so the exchange is a two-way street. So this is a three-way street, because the Master is the presence of the Lord coming through the body and connecting you with the bigger presence of God. So this flow of love between the Master and disciple must begin to flow.

The people must allow this love affair between their Master and themselves to begin, because it is real. And they need to be okay about letting it get as big as it gets, because it is God that is being loved.

There’s like a love affair of God happening between – well, the Master is transparent; it is God that is being loved with the two people. And the Master is, like you can say, out of the way, and the presence of the Lord is flowing.

An Exquisite Example of Master and Disciple

The Lady has the holy destiny of being the First Disciple of Kalindi, and has spoken much about the sacred relationship between Kalindi and The Lady that unfolded during their time together. 


In what The Lady calls “the early years of the Mission,” Kalindi often wrote letters and notes of love, gratitude, and encouragement for The Lady. These two letters were selected from hundreds to share the depth and devotion of Kalindi’s love for The Lady.

If you would like to experience and explore more of this relationship between Kalindi and The Lady, the booklet Kalindi to The Lady: Letters from a Spiritual Master to Her First Disciple is available here.

Please download your gift of Kalindi’s talk, “Love Your Master” here.

Kalindi is a Spiritual Master for the World who came with the Incarnation of God, Gourasana, to help people – who are ready, willing, and able – to break the cycle of birth and death and achieve full union with God in this lifetime. Kalindi passed from the body in 2010, but Her energy, power, and spiritual assistance are still present and available to anyone who desires to connect with Her.