Expand Your Awareness Consent Agreement

In order to protect the privacy of everyone participating, I will not disclose any personal sharing from any of the participants.

I will not record the Expand Your Awareness Evening or any Center of The Golden One events.

If there are others participating with me, I will make sure they have all individually registered and paid (as appropriate) for the event. I will not share the link I receive with anyone.


This is a legal agreement that affects your legal rights.
This Agreement applies to all of the spiritual programs offered by Center of The Golden One® including Expand Your Awareness Evenings. We want you to experience the benefits of teachings, tools, any meditation practice offered and discussion available in the Expand Your Awareness Evening. We ask you to read and sign this Agreement in order to make sure that you are fully informed about the nature of the Expand Your Awareness Evening, that you are protected, and that the Center and its leaders and staff are also protected under the law.
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PARTICIPANTS. Expand Your Awareness Evening is an opportunity to learn about and discuss spiritual topics relevant to daily life. The leaders of Expand Your Awareness may introduce tools, meditation practices and spiritual teachings and suggestions from founders of Center of The Golden One and may ask questions of individual participants or all those participating in the program that are designed to facilitate self-reflection and shift individual spiritual perspective even in day-to-day situations and challenges.
The Expand Your Awareness Evening is designed for healthy people who want to expand their awareness and deepen their connection with God. It is not a substitute for physical or psychological therapy, or treatment for addiction. If you experience unusual physical or psychological symptoms, or if you are under the care of a physician or mental health practitioner, you should consult the appropriate professional prior to undertaking this or any spiritual work. The Center makes no express or implied warranty with respect to the Expand Your Awareness Evening or and of its spiritual practices, meditation or teachings. Each person should undertake the Expand Your  Awareness Evening, and all its component spiritual practices, with conscious awareness and assumption of risk.
AGREEMENT OF PARTICIPANT. In consideration of being permitted to participate in the Expand Your Awareness Evening via Zoom Webinar, I, the undersigned, understand and agree that at all times it is my sole responsibility to look out for my mental health, physical well-being, material life well-being and that I am at all times free to stop and choose not to participate in any portion of any Expand Your Awareness Evening session. I further agree that if I choose to participate, my participation is with the knowledge and understanding that my participation is at my own risk, which I willingly assume. I further agree that if I choose to undertake any of the teachings, suggestions, practices or direction offered during an Expand Your Awareness Evening session, I do so voluntarily, with full self-responsibility and assuming the risks of any changes to my life. As a condition of my participation, I agree on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, and assignees, to release the leader(s) of the Expand Your Awareness Evening, the Center, and all its affiliates, staff, and volunteers from all claims or liability including claims of, and liability for, anyone’s negligence arising from my participation. I further promise and agree that I will not commence any action against the Expand Your Awareness Evening leader(s) and the Center, its affiliates, staff or volunteers or participants.
I further agree not to allow any person who is not pre-approved and authorized by the Center to participate in the Expand Your Awareness Evening session and who has not also signed and assented to this Agreement in writing to share or otherwise participate in the Expand Your Awareness Evening in my company. I understand that this is a condition of my being granted access to the Expand Your Awareness Evening and that it is my legal responsibility to make sure that everyone whom I allow to participate in the Expand Your Awareness Evening with me has been pre-approved. I further understand that the leader(s) of the Expand Your Awareness Evening, the Center, and all its affiliates, staff, and volunteers have no responsibility for or any liability arising from the participation of a person who is not pre-approved and authorized by the Center to participate in the Expand Your Awareness Evening and who has not separately themselves personally also assented to and signed this Agreement in writing.
AGREEMENT TO ARBITRATE. I agree that any dispute relating to my participation in Expand Your Awareness Evening shall be subject to arbitration in Denver, Colorado, in accordance with the rules of Judicial Arbitration & Mediation Services or Judicial Arbitrators Group. I agree that before arbitration, any dispute will first go to a mandatory non-binding mediation, conducted by a mediator jointly chosen by the Center and me, or selected from the list of mediators maintained by Judicial Arbitration & Mediation Services or Judicial Arbitrators Group in the Denver, Colorado office.