Freedom Walk Meditations

The Gourasana Meditation Practice addresses all areas of your life and being. It brings you necessary solutions to your many life obstacles and it feeds your soul with an ever-deeper loving connection to God. If practiced properly daily or regularly, even if only for a short period of time, you’ll begin to see changes.



Sharon talks about the
Love’s Awakening Gateway

The Love’s Awakening Gateway provides a doorway into deeper work with Center of The Golden One and to Freedom Walk – Path of Transformation, if that is your desire.


Weekly Freedom Walk Meditations are for those who have completed a Love’s Awakening Seminar to come together, meditate, and receive spiritual teachings from Gourasana, Kalindi, and The Lady.


  • 09/30/2021
  • 7:00 PM – 10:00

    Please connect to Zoom promptly by 6:45pm Denver (Mountain) Time.


  • Completion of the Love’s Awakening® Seminar (4 days or longer). 



  • $15-Regular
  • $10-Young Adult (18-25).
  • No cost if you pay a Monthly Fee.

Ready to Register?

To begin your application and preparation for the Gateway, click below.
