For You From The Lady

For You From The Lady

I wish to share a prayer with you, and you can also consider it a meditation. T H E   L A D Y The Lady is Kalindi’s First Disciple and is the current living Spiritual Master for Center of The Golden One. The Lady, like Kalindi, is a Spiritual Master for the World,...
May Inspiration

May Inspiration

The only solution to the problem that is going on in this world is for everyone to turn to God. K A L I N D I It is undeniable that the world is in tumultuous times. We see suffering and unrest all around us and in our individual lives. This world is a place of...
Meet Ryan from Denver

Meet Ryan from Denver

A Transformative Experience When Ryan found Center of The Golden One, he jumped in with both feet. He shares about his transformation in this spotlight. Watch...
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Evening of Meditation - Europe 2nd and 4th Wednesday Evenings You can now register for the Evening of Meditation – Europe from the Center of The Golden One website, and participate from anywhere in the world! Every second and fourth Wednesday evening from 19.30 to...