Joyful Celebration!

Joyful Celebration!

Kalindi's Worldwide Birthday Celebration This year’s Worldwide Celebration of Kalindi’s Birthday on January 2nd was a spectacular time together – with close to 300 of us representing 20 different countries on Zoom – remembering and honoring Kalindi! We experienced The...
February Events

February Events

Wednesday Public Meditation Join the worldwide meditation community as we continue to explore the connection between humility and love – and how to use the Gourasana Meditation Practice (GMP) to uncover these qualities inherent in all of us. January 20 – Humility in...
All the Way to the Top

All the Way to the Top

The Lady would like you to have these two talks from Kalindi, “All the Way to the Top” and “World Talk” which are part of Kalindi’s universal speaking for the world. The Lady invites all of us to share these talks to anyone who would enjoy hearing Kalindi’s message...
New Website Pages!

New Website Pages!

Our new Meditation and Expanding Awareness pages make it simple and easy to get started! We responded to your feedback and created an easier way for newcomers to our website to find and register for events. Now on the top Navigation Bar there is a new section called:...