Meet Julian

Meet Julian

Strength & Support Julian, an active member of Freedom Walk, has found strength and support from The Center for many...
October Events

October Events

Love’s Awakening Gateway – A Transformational Seminar This new offering will provide an opportunity to go deep within over a period of days, release unacknowledged pain, connect more deeply to yourself and God, and take the next steps in your spiritual journey....
For You From The Lady

For You From The Lady

I wish to share with you the first Love-Card Kalindi gave to me in 1987. At that time, Kalindi was referred to as Carol and my name was Gayle. The card is titled “What is a Friend?” and it accompanies a personal letter for me from Carol. Both letter and card reflect...
August Inspiration

August Inspiration

“Okay, this world is in a mess and I need to bring some of God’s love through me to my neighbor and then to my people around the block, people around town. I need to share love because I know that God wants love for people.” K A L I N D I 2007from...
Meet Maggie

Meet Maggie

Heart to Heart In this month’s member spotlight, Maggie shares about her spiritual journey and how her spiritual practice helps her relate to others heart to...