The Lady has spoken recently about the importance of doing the inner work to be able to sincerely choose Forgiveness in our daily lives. She is urging all of us to do this for our own spiritual benefit and also to create more love and compassion for all of humankind. In September of 2023, she led a worldwide event dedicated to this topic. The Lady’s speaking on Forgiveness is for the world at large.

Below is a video clip from The Lady’s recent event, in which she offers a plea to choose forgiveness and to create a world of peace, respect, and even love.

Also included below is a gift collection of quotes on Forgiveness from The Lady for you to download and share.

“Thank you so much for your respect,
for your love, for your gratitude,
and for moving yourselves forward
in this harsh world.
And remember, we are all “delicate flowers” in this harsh environment.
Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others.”

The Lady
September 2023

To download your gift quotes on Forgiveness from The Lady, click here.

Kalindi also delivered many talks on how crucial it is now for all of humankind to practice Forgiveness for each other and ourselves. Below is a gift of Kalindi’s talk, “Love, Forgiveness, Pain, Compassion,” for you to download and share with others.

“In order for us to move along on this planet, in order for consciousness to move into love, in order for growth to happen, in order for harmony to happen, in order to save ourselves as a human race, there simply needs to be love and forgiveness, forgiveness and love.”

February 25, 2009

To download Kalindi’s talk, “Love, Forgiveness, Pain, Compassion” click here.