Care for Our Bodies

Care for Our Bodies

Kalindi emphasized that there is time for each individual to accomplish everything necessary spiritually and materially, and at the same time care for the physical body in every way. The Lady would like everyone who is interested to have access to the teachings and...
Meet Georg

Meet Georg

Georg has been meditating for many years. He speaks about his recent Gateway experience. The Gateway Seminar offers an intimate and concentrated opportunity to “take new ground” on your spiritual journey, whether you are new to meditation or have been a...
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Love’s Awakening Gateway – A Transformational Seminar The Love’s Awakening Gateway provides an opportunity to go deep within, over a period of days, and release unacknowledged pain, connect more deeply to yourself and God, and take the next steps in your spiritual...
Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness

The Founders of Center of The Golden One spoke many times about having the consciousness of calm, love, and giving in the midst of whatever material catastrophes may befall us. This is not necessarily an easy approach to take, but our Founders brought many spiritual...
The Lady on Emergency Preparedness

The Lady on Emergency Preparedness

In response to the ever-increasing extreme climate, social, and economic situations occurring worldwide, the Center has been working non-stop on creating a comprehensive Emergency Preparedness Program for its members and for the public to help us all be more prepared...