The Lady on Emergency Preparedness

The Lady on Emergency Preparedness

In response to the ever-increasing extreme climate, social, and economic situations occurring worldwide, the Center has been working non-stop on creating a comprehensive Emergency Preparedness Program for its members and for the public to help us all be more prepared...
Kalindi on Emergency Preparedness

Kalindi on Emergency Preparedness

For years Kalindi passionately urged us to get prepared for emergency situations that She said would start to happen more and more in the world. Kalindi wanted us to be prepared for ourselves, but also largely so that we would be ready to help the many others who will...
News & Events

News & Events

As so many people worldwide struggle – with war, the pandemic, economic uncertainty, and more – the Center offers a safe place to go within and to connect with others. Love’s Awakening Gateway – A Transformational Seminar The Love’s Awakening Gateway provides an...
Thank you Kalindi

Thank you Kalindi

Kalindi is one of the Founders of Center of The Golden One, along with Gourasana and The Lady. As a Spiritual Master for the World, Kalindi brought many, many spiritual teachings and messages for the world at large – urging humankind to remember God in their hearts...
From The Lady

From The Lady

I have a gift for you which speaks for itself. With tender and mighty love for everyone, T H E  L A D Y,  by your side. Download this gift from The Lady here. The Lady is the living Spiritual Master for Center of The Golden One. She is also a Spiritual Master for the...