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For You from The Lady

Mar 27, 2023 | The Lady

This quote is a gift from The Lady – who is constantly urging us to go within and do our inner spiritual work in order to know the truth directly for ourselves.

The Lady

Click below to download your gift from The Lady.

The Lady – The Knowing of Truth [PDF File]

Find out about going within from Gourasana, Kalindi, and The Lady in the online bookstore.

The Lady is the living Spiritual Master for Center of The Golden One. The Lady always speaks the highest truth to help us wake up and move quickly spiritually into who we truly are in God.

One of the gifts that The Lady embodies and has to share with humankind is the depth, sacredness, love and power of true prayer. Kalindi said of The Lady that, “She is here to teach the world to pray.”

Anyone in the world can be a disciple of The Lady if they resonate with her in their heart. The Lady’s teachings, love, and guidance are for everyone.

You can also read more about The Lady here.